Automated Label Printing Speeds Up Used Parts Dealerships

Thanks to ezeep, the ezeep Hub, and the ezeep API, QR-codes as well as shipping labels are automatically printed from label printers.

Automated label printing speeds up used parts dealerships

Trading with used parts is a successful business for one of our customers. On an internationally operating Internet platform, dealers can offer and sell their second-hand parts. For example, when a dealer wants to offer a used item in good condition, they simply take a photo of the object and post it on the platform. The sales platform provider generates a QR code and sends it to the retailer, who prints the code on a TSC label printer and attaches it to the merchandise.

If a customer purchases the parts, the platform provider generates a shipping label stored in the cloud. If the retailer accepts the order, the shipping label is automatically printed on their TSC label printer. Such automated printing is made possible by integrating the ezeep API.

For the retailer, automated printing of ready-made shipping labels is a massive labor- and time-saving feature. The printers, including label printers and standard office printers, are all managed in the ezeep management console. An ezeep Hub ensures the correct assignment of printers at the retailer.

Gavin Newton, Developer Community Manager at ezeep and responsible for customer integrations, is proud:

“When Google Cloud Print was discontinued, our customer had to look for a new solution. Now, thanks to the API, we can even print the labels automatically. And we are the only cloud printing solution that supports these label printers.”

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