Organization name:
Weston Dean Custom Homes
Sector: Home Builder
Weston Dean is a custom home builder in the Texas Hill Country. We have five model homes and a main office. We are constantly growing. Our large team of sales counselors & project managers are always working at a new location depending on where our clients need them for their design meetings. We needed a way to print from any location quickly and efficiently. ezeep provided a great solution to this. A simple interface allows all our employees to quickly understand how to print to any one of our locations.
How were you printing before your started using ezeep? How did you find ezeep?
“We were using the Google Cloud printing software. This program was unreliable and very complicated for our employees to use. At the end of 2020 Google ended is cloud printing feature. We wanted to be proactive on this issue, the second search on google lead us to ezeep. We started a free trial and the ezeep team sent a personal email to see how they could help.”
How has it been since you started using ezeep?
“Since we have started using ezeep we have been able to quickly grow & add new members to our team with ease. From day one, our employees need to print important contracts, so having a system that doesn’t need to be set up on location is extremely helpful. If an issue did arise the ezeep team was quick to respond and work through the issue with us.”
Are you using an ezeep Hub? If yes, can you please tell us more about using setting up and using one?
“We are using 6 ezeep Hubs. The ezeep team was very helpful showing me over zoom how to install the first hub. From there I was able to install the remaining 5 hubs. The ezeep interface was very easy to understand and set up each hub. ”
The main benefit we have found from using ezeep is the fact we can set up our employees remotely and have them able to print to any location at any time.