It's my first time building an inbound sales team from scratch. Now, only a few months into it, I've learned my fair share along the way. I will certainly not come up with the next 10 best practices on how to build an inbound sales team or the top five laws of sales success. Instead, I will focus on how we revved our engines into action. Read more
Performance is one of the most critical aspects of any web project, regardless of the size. A small site, a mobile web app or even a large applications like a full blown e-commerce site. Nobody will continue to use a slow application. Are you a developer looking to achieve a more performant web app with smaller loading time? Read more
In startup literature, discussions on perseverance are often turned into an evaluation of whether you should pivot (try something else), shut down the business, or else keep going (stating it's important to persevere and referring to some populist story likeOMGPOPorPinterest or Fab, who eventually made it because they kept going and going). I think it's misleading to founders to pick outliers like these and then tie the two together. Neither angle has anything to do with perseverance - those are tactical business decisions and have nothing to do with your ability to persevere. Perseverance doesn't mean having false hope building something stupid, or working to do work. And perseverance isn't all that special, because it's what all of us have to do. Read more
How do real people in real-life situations use ezeep, and how can we better support their needs? This question drives our consumer research---we want to respond accordingly and ramp-up our game where it's needed. This week, we ezeeps are proud to introduce our new Printers & Settings Pages, which are more delightful than ever before. Read more
The rising popularity of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, and cloud-based services like Dropbox and Google Apps have changed the way we work. People expect to be able to work from anywhere and have access to files and applications from whichever device they’re on –… Read more
When it comes to technology and the way user interface has developed over the past 10 years, simplicity and intuitive design have changed the way we interact with the technology around us every day. Gone are the days when we were required to read through pages of instruction manuals and spend hours learning the navigation and features of a newly acquired product. Applications and tech gadgets today are often so intelligently designed that manuals have practically become obsolete and even children can understand intuitively how to operate technologically advanced devices. The one exception to this is of course the brat of technology: printers. Here are 3 reasons why the user experience of computer printers is a nightmare. Read more
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “printing”? The feeling of frustration? Annoyance? Exasperation? Anger? Printing is a pain and in our experience, printers are a source of problems far from the helpful peripherals they are meant to be. Because more often than… Read more