Mobile Printing from Azure

ezeep Blue connects iPhones, iPads, and Android smartphones or tablets quickly and easily to business print infrastructure using the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform.

The ezeep Blue app for iOS and Android enables mobile access to ezeep Blue. It makes ezeep Blue perfect for Microsoft Office 365 printing on iPhones or Android smartphones.


Printing from Azure with ezeep

IT administrators who have an Microsoft Entra ID in place can easily sync their Entra ID groups with the ezeep Admin Portal with a single click and immediately adopt the entire organization automatically. The final step, assigning printers to employees, is then straightforward. The ezeep Blue portal makes it very easy to check printer assignments and make adjustments as needed.

Thanks to ezeep Blue, users can print to corporate printers at any time and from any location. Once users install the mobile app, they only need to log in once to the ezeep Blue app with their Microsoft Entra ID account to access corporate printers.

Microsoft Office 365 users can therefore print from their Office 365 apps such as Outlook Mobile, Excel Mobile, or Word Mobile from Azure at any time. They no longer need to be connected to the corporate network because ezeep prints via the Azure cloud.


Printing from Azure Made Easy

  • Fully integrated with iOS and Android, the print solution enables easy printing from all apps, including Microsoft Office 365 Mobile
  • No special requirements: A direct network connection to the printer is not needed, nor do the print devices need to be AirPrint-capable
  • Uniform printing environment for all platforms, whether iPhone, Android, PC, or Chromebook
  • Centrally managed printer assignment via the clearly laid out ezeep portal
  • Based entirely on the Microsoft Entra ID, the organization, groups, or members do not need to be created anew
  • Easy connection to the Azure cloud: Printers are connected to the cloud via the ezeep Hub or a connector for Windows

Among others, ezeep Blue offers the following features, useful in Azure environments:

  • Secure pull printing: Straightforward user authentication workflows to ensure that documents are only printed once the user is at the printer, reducing data loss and printing costs
  • Reports and monitoring: Proactively respond to potential problems or bottlenecks before they become major issues. Plan resource allocation and maintenance activities to ensure that your print infrastructure is always running smoothly and efficiently
  • Printer Profiles: Cost-saving and productivity-enhancing default printer settings. Use a wide range of printer settings, as opposed to Microsoft’s default printer redirection